So many things, issues and ideas caught my mind and heart today. Dad would be 95 years old, new mailing address, the President has tested positive for Covid-19, contractor for the addition isn’t here, class tomorrow (where are my notes!) and it’s crispy outside.
Several of my readings for this morning spoke about the need for quiet, for solitude. I did the readings and put on my ‘outdoor’ shoes to walk to the mailbox which is a quarter of a mile away. I love to walk in the woods so it’s not a chore but something to which I look forward.
As I began the walk, the quiet of the woods began to still my thoughts and ease the unrest of the heart and mind about the ‘so many things’ that opened the day. The more I walked, the quieter life within became. I recalled some of the readings and settled on this one; “He took them with him and they withdrew by themselves”. (Luke 9:10). How many times are we called to be still in the bible, to be Mary with him and not be Martha all the time?
I loved the walk in the woods this morning, ground wet with dew, birds singing praises from the treetops and the quiet crunch of the gravel beneath my feet. Even the spot where a small wet stream flows across and leaves the path bit a muddy in its wake. To be still.
I’m much better prepared to meet the day now, peacefully and confident in His call to me.
I invite you to be still and know your God. Find your woods or desert, your quiet place. Be still.
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