Individual Sessions
Generally, one who is seeking direction will contact a director, make an appointment and an interview is set up. As in all other professions, not all spiritual directors and seekers are a good match. Hence the interview to get acquainted. A good director will offer to meet some number of times and then review with the directee how the process is working. Sometimes it works quite well; sometimes a change needs to be made to continue the process with a different director. Both parties have the freedom to make the call not to continue.
Normally a session is set up on a regular schedule, once a month, for the parties to come together and explore, to reflect and gain insight and understanding of God’s working in the directee’s life. There is some sharing, perhaps a review of the journal (highly recommended), possibly a question or so from the director for clarification and perhaps even a suggestion of scripture, meditation or other type of prayer for going forward. These typically last 45 – 50 minutes each time.
The fruit of spiritual direction is a deeper understanding of God’s presence, personally and intimately, in the directee’s life. A growing awareness of grace, the movement of spirits, and as we hear in Jeremiah 29:11, the plans He has for us and His love.
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