Find a Deeper Connection

Transform and deepen your intimacy with God.

Welcome to Purple Habit!

Purple Habit is a website to connect you with Alice Nahas, spiritual director, supervisor and retreat leader.  To provide information about the process, the benefits and possibilities of benefits from exploring God’s presence in one’s life.

The opportunity to tend to the soul’s health, to heal from past and present heart wounds, to transform and deepen our intimacy with God.

What is Spiritual Direction?


Spiritual direction is “help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship.”

(William A. Barry and William J. Connolly, The Practice of Spiritual Direction)

The gift of walking with another, companioning, as the one walks with God. It is listening to, enhancing, helping to focus on the presence of God in one’s life, daily.

God is the director; I am a channel, a safe place in which to open and explore the relationship between God and directee.

5 Elements of Spiritual Direction


Assist people to recognize and respond to God
  • Who is God?
  • Who am I?
  • Who is God and how am I to God?


Contemplative, hospitable
  • It is a gift, needs to be asked for
  • Need to make choices that develop that stance
  • What did I notice today – feelings, persons, things


Truth emerges that gives life, that provides direction
  • CORE: Direction is helping people to taste the goodness of God


Experience of God
  • A real life experience of a personal and intimate relationship with God
  • A discovery of the eternal, daily, minute by minute relationship generally revealed in prayer
  • Nurturing, savoring and reliving God’s presence


Effective awareness/presence
  • Listening and dialogue


Individual Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is offered at the frequency and need of the directee (one who is in direction) as scheduling and time allows for sessions.


Supervision or mentoring is a vital part of growth for a spiritual director. Directors frequently are ‘stirred or moved’ by something a directee shares.

Groups and Retreats

Sometimes we all feel the need and desire to step away from the hustle of the world and just be.  At times a group retreat, over a weekend, will be just what is needed to clear the mind and rest the heart and body.

Hello! I’m Alice.

Spiritual Director and Trainer

I’m a woman who loves God and from that love am called to minister to others in the practice of spiritual direction. I was born in Paris, AR, grew up in a small community in Iowa, influenced by the Presbyterian faith, Southern Baptist and Church of Christ, with periods of not attending any church sprinkled throughout and converted to Catholicism in 1991. For me it felt like coming home.

I am certified as a spiritual director through a five-year program with the Sisters of Red Plains, OK and St. Scholastica monastery, Fort Smith, AR, three-year Theology program at St. John’s in Little Rock, AR. Sometimes I marvel at my journey – how on earth did I get here!

I have two grown children, five grands and seven great-grands. I keep house with two cats who have such separation anxiety that belies the ‘independent nature of cats’ to the extreme; even as I type this, one is in my lap.

I have done some scuba diving, sky diving and hang gliding but my favorite is hiking in the woods. I love chocolate and good coffee, sunrises and sunsets, reading books (book-aholic is the correct term) and watching the animals in my backyard feed, fight and take baths.

I’m pretty normal.

Why Purple?

So glad you asked! I have always loved the color purple, even as a young girl. Talked my mom and dad into painting my bedroom walls purple. Over the years I wore purple often, painted my bedroom purple when I could, purchased purple items and delighted in all of it.

In 2006 when I began this portion of my spiritual journey, meeting with my spiritual director, participating in Retreat In Daily Life (RIDL) and making the trip to Little Rock each month for 10 months out of the year for three years I became aware of something deeper. As I studied Theology, RIDL and the training program my conversations with God were a lot about what I thought was ‘wasted time, sinful time’ in my life. God was very gentle with me as we explored those times and issues. I have been graced to understand that yes, I am a sinner, but I am beloved of God, forgiven and in the words of Msg. Scott Friend, “God’s favorite”.

I began to understand that God probably had a much different plan for me; I’m pretty sure he intended a religious life of some sort. And I reasoned, if I had been more attentive, I might be in a community now, and if I were, I’m pretty sure it would have been one with purple habits. So, I began wearing purple every day. Every day. It of course was noticed by friends and co-workers who might stop me and comment – “do you wear purple every day?” and I could say ‘yes’. Invariably the reply came, “well, it is a royal color”. My response, “Indeed, it is, and I am priest, prophet and king and more so, it is penitential. As I put on my ‘habit’, I am reminded that I am a beloved sinner, forgiven by God, I am His favorite”. I do from time to time get some strange looks, but it is true. I am His favorite, His beloved. And so are you.

I get to witness to people through the simple wearing of purple. I habitually wear purple.  It is my habit. I am blessed beyond measure.



“The word I would use that best describes Alice is inspiring. From the time I met her in Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, through Spiritual direction training,and Ignatius Transposed she has been my mentor, teacher, supervisor, and spiritual companion. In my struggles she has guided, encouraged,and inspired me to always seek the magis. To Alice I will always be grateful for her presence and attendance to the person I was and have become.”


“Alice led Retreat in Daily Life when I attended; I couldn’t have asked for a better spiritual leader. She is a knowledgeable, kind, non-judgemental leader. I would recommend Alice for any project that needs a person of deep faith and love for others.”


“Alice is a dear, kind, sweet person and lovely both inside and out. She is honest and fair in her dealings with everyone she  meets both friends and strangers. I have known Alice as my teacher, as a facilitator and as my personal supervisor of my spiritual directing for the last 6 years and I have grown to love her very much. I value her opinions and her in depth discernment in all of life’s situations. She is a blessing in my life.”


“I’ve known Alice for about 4 years, both as a friend and as a peer in the ministry of Spiritual Direction, and as a Co-Facilitator for the Retreat in Daily Life (RIDL) experience.  Though I’ve known who she was for more than 4 years, I started spending almost weekly time with her about 4 years ago when I was a retreatant for the RIDL experience.  The following year I began training as a co-facilitator for RIDL, with Alice being the main facilitator.  She truly lives her spirituality, looking for God in all people and all situations.  When she shares her walk with God, you can tell it’s coming right from her heart. Although she’s also gifted with lots of head knowledge about Ignatian Spirituality, when she shares with or mentors others, one hears her heart, which is sincerely connected to God’s. 

She has mentored me in my role as Spiritual Director and my role as Co-Facilitator for RIDL. She gently invites me (and others) to always ask ‘what is God saying’ in this situation; as opposed to jumping in and telling me what to do.  She meets and accepts people exactly where they are, gently inviting them to see themselves as God sees them.  She’s been serving God in this ministry for many years. When appropriate, she openly shares what she’s learned  over the years which makes me most comfortable in seeking her input when I need guidance in this ministry.  She has much to offer to those seeking formation in the ministry of spiritual direction.”


“Alice Nahas is always well prepared for whatever she is doing.  She is smart, articulate, and creative with a very calm manner.  She will always give her best to whatever she is able to do. She presents with a great deal of confidence. “


“Alice Nahas is a spiritual director who reflects God’s love and compassion so completely that I have found it impossible to deny. Her constant urging of “Be gentle with yourself.” Is one that echoes in my mind. I am so thankful to have met Alice and to be able to include her counsel and comfort as resources for my spiritual journey. I experienced much spiritual abuse early on in my life and I have found it essential to relearn what it means to be in a relationship with God. The Divine Love that Alice reminds me of every time I look at her loving face is life changing.”


“When I think of Alice I think of the Mary-Martha story because I want to sit at her feet and soak up “the more.”  Alice is the most gentle, loving, peace-filled person, accepting all that life hands her gracefully.  That is all possible because she is so filled with our Lord’s grace it has no where else to go except out to those around her.

I have experienced Alice as spiritual director, supervisor, teacher, retreat organizer and friend and in each capacity she has left me eager to sit at her feet once again.  Alice is accomplished in all the areas of Spiritual Ministry but her biggest and best accomplishment is that she ‘preaches the Gospel always and when necessary uses words.'”

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. 

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(479) 651-1616